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http://www.100md.com 2013年9月15日 《中国中药杂志》 2013年第18期
     8.2 条形码标签技术要求 标签的底色应为白色并全部与血清冻存管管壁牢固结合;标签信息应采用实体黑色字体,通过打印或印刷产生;标签材质能防水、耐低温、耐磨损。

    8.3 贴签 血清标本的标识是通过贴签活动实现的,贴签活动是一项关键的活动,必须将发生错误的潜在危险降低到最小。负责贴签的人员应经过充分培训和评估。应建立和执行核对制度,并监测一定百分比的血清冻存管以保证贴签过程准确无误。

    8.4 留样 所有标本的标签都应该存档保留。

    8.5 标识管理 建立血清标本标识的管理程序,确保每一份标本均可通过条形码追溯到被采血者基本信息资料、健康状况、采血过程、运送、接收、存放地点、目前使用情况以及在使用中产生的该份标本其他信息资料。

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    9 标本保存和使用

    血清标本贴好标签后,立即置于-20 ℃或更低温度;若现场无该低温条件则应尽量低温保存,在48 h内转移至-20 ℃或更低温度。血清标本可在-20 ℃贮存2个月;-80 ℃贮存6个月;可在液氮中永久保存。标本入库时,管理员填写入库登记卡。标本出库时,管理员填写出库登记卡。使用标本时,使用者填写标本使用申请单。传染性疾病血清标本应单独设库存放于污染区;非传染性疾病血清标本,也可能存在未知传染性病原体,应视同传染物对待。



, 百拇医药
    [1] European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products. Note for guidance on repeated dose toxicity(Appendix B: guidance on immunotoxicity)[EB/OL].[2010-01-01].http://www.emea.eu.int.

    [2] ICH:immunotoxicologystudies for human pharmaceuticals S8[EB/OL].[2005-09-15].http://www.ich.org/fileadmin/Public_Web_Site/ICH_Products/Guidelines/Safety/S8/Step4/S8_Guideline.pdf.

    [3] US Food and Drug Administration, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. Guidance for industry: immunotoxicology evaluation of investigational new drugs [S]. 2002.
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    [4] Martin, Elizabeth A.Concise Medical Dictionary[M].7th.Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 2007.

    [5] 冯丰, 朱兰. 人群免疫毒理学近况[J]. 国外医学免疫学分册,1999, 22(2): 61.

    Expert consensus post-marketing evaluation scheme to detect immunotoxicity of

    Chinese medicine in clinical populations(draft version for comments)

    XIE Yan-ming1, ZHAO Yu-bin1,2*, JIANG Jun-jie1, CHANG Yan-peng1, ZHANG Wen1, SHEN Hao1, LU Peng-fei1
, 百拇医药
    (1. Institute of Basic Clinical Medicine, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100700, China;

    2. Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Shijiazhuang Affiliated to Hebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang 050051, China)

    [Abstract] Through consensus, establish a post-marketing scheme and the technical processes to evaluate Chinese medicine′s immunotoxicity on a population, as well as its beneficial influences on the immune system. Provide regulations on the collection, storage and transportation of serum samples. This article applies to the post-marketing scientific evaluation of the immunotoxicity of parenterally administered, and for other ways of taking Chinese medicine.

    [Key words] post-marketing evaluation of Chinese medicine; human immunotoxicity; clinical evaluation scheme; expert consensus

    doi:10.4268/cjcmm20131804, http://www.100md.com(谢雁鸣 赵玉斌 姜俊杰 常艳鹏 张雯 申浩 卢鹏飞)
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